We painstakingly gather these bags, store them in our pantries, and frequently forget about them until our kitchens get clogged with them after they have overflowed.
The loop is tedious and never seems to end. But one Reddit member has gone above their allotted amount. Their most recent Walmart pick-up order contained every single item, which was individually wrapped in plastic bags.
They became so angry at this wasteful behavior that they turned to r/extremelyinfuriating.

The original message said, “What a colossal waste!” The post’s accompanying image caught the attention of another user, who felt it belonged on the r/anticonsumption forum.
Naturally, the evident waste infuriated other users as well. The intensity of the event was highlighted by the emotion that quickly extended throughout the online community.
Plastic bags have negative environmental effects in addition to being difficult to handle and discard. They have a bad influence because recycling is something they are known to struggle with.
Most recycling facilities, particularly those in charge of curbside plastic collection, do not accept plastic bags because they run the danger of obstructing and injuring equipment.
Because of this, a sizeable portion of plastic bags regularly wind up in the garbage. Only 5% of plastic waste gets recycled, even when it is disposed of correctly, leading some to call it a “failed concept.”
The good news is that many grocery stores accept plastic bags for recycling, and there are many locations across the nation where plastic film can be dropped off.
The initial annoyance of acquiring an excessive number of plastic bags, however, does not outweigh the simplicity of returning them. As a result, many individuals were able to understand the original Redditor’s dissatisfaction right away.
One consumer gripes, “I detest it when I specifically ask for as few bags as possible, only to have them take it as “push everything together in a single bag and then proceed to double bag every bag.”
Another exclaims, “It is truly amazing that they went to the trouble of individually bagging each item.”
The overwhelming show of support for the Redditor’s piece reveals a general dissatisfaction with this wasteful packaging technique.
It serves as a reminder that purposeful actions are necessary to solve this problem and create solutions that put environmental sustainability first.