They think their union would last forever when they are married. However, the truth is that in order for a marriage to work as it should, it also needs kindness and dedication in addition to love.
A woman by the name of Violeta endured heartache during a 30-year marriage. She was horrified to learn that her spouse had filed for divorce. She overcame the challenging time, though, and is now sharing her life story.
“I’ve been considering writing to you for a while. I felt ashamed and lacked the fortitude to resign, but I have since done so.
“My spouse showed me excellent behavior and paid attention to me. When our kids finished school and got married, we wanted to relive the romance of our youth. We decided to build a house in the mountains to retire in later life.
“Two years ago, my husband stated he wanted to talk to me while we were watching television.
“I had no idea he would tell me such terrible news. He discreetly admitted to being in love. with me, not so. He kindly explained to me that she is a student, that they have been dating for some time, and that he wants to live with her.
I was fortunate to be seated in the armchair. I didn’t even have the guts to face him, ask him questions, or demand answers. I could only tremble and inquire, “Okay, but what about me?” through my tears.
The very next day, he packed his belongings and left. Even though I was angry, I was unable to criticize the female who was the center of his attention.
“The only things I regretted were not witnessing his metamorphosis and allowing him to leave. I received a divorce notice shortly after that. I was in such agony. The kids accused me of letting him off too lightly. But I didn’t think it was worth battling for him.

I thought he would come to regret the choice. I started a new life as well. I didn’t want to find someone else; I was only looking for serenity to fill the vacuum in my spirit. I traveled, made new friends, and became closer to my loved ones. While he was gone, I was in great shape.
“After a long time when no one knew anything about him, my husband finally returned home in peace. I was sorry for the guy. He looked bad and was unwell. He wanted us to get back together.
I didn’t start feeling angry or realize how much anguish he had caused me until that point. I had served as his “poor weather cloak,” as he put it.
“With a smile on his face and the same poise he displayed when he informed me he was in love with another lady, I asked him to leave my house. I informed him that the woman he valued so much and for whom he abruptly left his family is next to him in his new home.
He is no longer living with her, is single, and is still trying to make amends with the children.
“But even if I were to fall in love again, I wouldn’t get married since I take care of myself and treasure every moment I get to spend with my grandchildren. Because life is worth enjoying beautifully, responsibly, and subtly, even at 55.