Most people have a long list of requirements when they begin looking for a new home.
Some people may place importance on the number of bedrooms, while others may find a large yard or garage to be more appealing.
Although tastes and preferences vary from potential buyer to potential buyer, I think we can all agree there are several things none of us want from or in a new home.
After weeks of searching, Amber Hall located the ideal starter home in a four-bedroom, two-bathroom property in Centennial, Colorado.

The area was ideal for her family, and she had imagined spending a lot of enjoyable time in the backyard with her two children and two dogs.
She was unaware that there were already occupants in the house, although quite slimy ones.
Amber eagerly anticipated the day when her family would officially close on the house and move in.
But as she began to unpack, she was alarmed by the strange behavior of one of her dogs.
According to KOAA, she said: “I was trying to unpack when my dog knelt down and began walking over here really slowly.”
“I came over to see what he was staring at, thinking it may be a spider or something, and I saw snakes slithering up the wall and there were two tiny holes right here. So I became anxious.
You are correct; it was written there. snakes hid in the drywall.

The wall next to the door leading from her garage into her yard is said to be covered in large serpents.
Hall noticed warmth when she extended her fingers up the wall, a concerning indication that there may be more of the things there.
The snakes were “shockingly big,” she said.
Everyone agrees, based on the evidence, that they are a type of garter snake. However, they also mention that no one has ever seen their garter snake so large.
“I’m unable to unpack any of my belongings because I’m positive there are snakes in the boxes or under the boxes… It’s as if you climb into bed, and as soon as the sheet touches your foot or something, you rip off the covers or leap out of bed to check to see if there is anything inside.
The first snake was discovered a little over a week ago, according to Amber. Since then, ten snakes have been found.
In order to humanely remove the reptiles from the home, the anxious mother ultimately hired a snake handler.
Due to their size, he told Amber that some of the snakes might have been living inside the house for the last two years.
While nobody would ever claim to have known they were there, Hall added, “I don’t feel like I’m the first one to find them.”
“It’s hard. This is my first home, and I’m 42 years old. I’ve worked for it my entire life, but I’m unable to enjoy it. My children will enjoy it. I’m very terrified.
Amber has already spent close to $1,000 in an effort to eradicate her bug issue.
She claimed that until the concrete floor is removed and they can see where they are actually living, she won’t feel safe.
My worst fear has materialized! I can’t even begin to imagine how miserable Amber and her children must find life in a snake-infested home.
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