A man will go to great lengths to prevent you from leaving him if he is frightened of losing you. This demonstrates his concern for you. It may be a sign that you are important to someone if they are terrified of losing you. It just implies that they love you, either as a friend or out of something deeper, in the family or in the relationship. It does not imply that they are reliant on you.

These six behaviors are signs that a man is afraid of losing you
1. He postpones everything so he may be with you.
He will abandon all of his plans to be with you if he suddenly fears losing you. To be by your side and show you that he cares for you, he will cancel all of them. He doesn’t offer any explanations. He just states that he wants to be with you to them.
2. He gives you gifts at all times
When your man brings you gifts, it shows that he is a loving, considerate, and thoughtful husband or boyfriend who wants to express his love for you by giving you wonderful things on special occasions like your birthday. It’s a way to let you know that you deserve to have whatever you want.
3. He avoids fights
Every couple argues. There is no need to fear as long as your disagreements are worthwhile and motivated. However, he will refrain from getting into a fight or quarrel with you if you are worried about losing him. He will do everything in his power to maintain harmony between the two of you. Additionally, he will make an effort not to yell at you or use abrasive language that can make you feel uncomfortable or offended.
4. When a man is afraid of losing you, he will meet all your needs
He will take care of practically all of your requirements when he fears losing you. He will prioritize your safety. Because he enjoys seeing a smile on your face, he will make sure to lavish and pamper you. He is trying to keep you by his side at all times because he is terrified of losing you, which is why you should take note of his unexpected conduct.
5. He tends to get jealous
To be completely honest, a man who is frightened of losing you will be envious of other men if they are near you. But if a man isn’t worried about losing you, he doesn’t give a damn if you start dating someone else. I believe that a complete lack of envy can also be challenging.
6. He talks about the future
You might concur with a guy if he talks about the future in a way that presumes the two of you have one. You can use this to persuade him that you are sincere and want a long-term relationship. Additionally, if he fears that you may leave him, he will try to persuade you to envision a future in which you would be together rather than apart.